

Course Work

United States History is a graduation requirement for all Tennessee high school students. The primary tool we will employ in this study is critical thinking. A great deal of our work will involve analysis and interpretation of historical sources. You will not simply be reading history; you yourselves will become historians when you read letters, advertisements, speeches and other documents from the past and learn to make inferences and draw significant historical conclusions. Interpreting evidence is the basic work that historians do, and it is the key to understanding how the past was both similar and different from the world we know today.

My Philosophy

I am honored and privileged to have you in my United States History class this year. I hope that when this year is over, you feel the course has been important to your education and the path you choose in life. Yes, your course work is going to challenge you, but you must believe in yourself and be willing to celebrate your own successes along the way. Learn from your mistakes, make adjustments, stay positive, and move on! The prize at the end will be worth it! We are in this together.  Therefore, I promise to do the following to help you succeed: maintain the highest standards for what I am teaching, work with and support your parent(s)/guardian(s) to help you get what you need to be successful, maintain a fair system so that your grades truly reflect what you have learned, fairly and consistently enforce our standards for behavior and learning, have fun and celebrate your success throughout the year, admit when I am wrong and gracefully apologize, maintain a physical environment that meets your needs, and seek your input and advice for ways to make our classroom better and better.  If you ever need additional help, arrange a time before or after school or email me for assistance: / 901-5045253